
Loss of 1 2014. 7. 5 billion actively electric power business is not good

by:AAA     2020-04-08
( Industry news] Losses. Million actively electric power business is not good globledata P month day evening, actively power disclosure of annual report. Annual report said actively power companies achieve revenue last year. One hundred million yuan, fell. %; To achieve net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies for the losses. One hundred million yuan, the basic earnings per share for the losses. Yuan. Learned, actively electric power company annual revenue to reduce the main reason is:. Power fell on the Internet. %, reduce the sales revenue. One hundred million yuan; 。 Sales price fell. Yuan/MWH, reduce the sales revenue. One hundred million yuan; 。 The lower fuel sales prices and sales decrease, fuel sales, and other main business revenue. One hundred million yuan. Even, actively electric power company's loss is far more than the previous estimate of 'bad'. After month, actively electric power company earnings forecast, according to the datang actively electric power co. , LTD. , the financial department preliminary estimation, annual operating performance is expected to losses, achieve net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies. One hundred million yuan. Look from the final figures released by the late on Monday, however, more than the original 'and' lost.
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