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The difference between aerial cables and buried cables

The difference between aerial cables and buried cables


The difference between aerial cables and buried cables

1. Different meanings

 Aerial cables mainly refer to overhead open wires, which are erected on the ground and are transmission lines that use insulators to fix transmission wires on towers erected on the ground to transmit electrical energy. Underground cables refer to cables that are often buried underground compared with common overhead lines, so they are also called buried cables.

2. Different materials

 Aerial cables generally use steel-cored aluminum stranded wires as conductors. The strength of steel is high, and it is not easy to be broken. The specific gravity of aluminum is low, which is easy to install, and it can be used for overhead interception. If the distance is not long, the steel core can be used. Use aluminum wire directly. If there is insulation, generally use weather-resistant black polyethylene or cross-linked polyethylene, generally without a sheath.

 Underground cables generally use aluminum as the conductor, polyethylene as the insulation, and polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene as the sheath.

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