
The final results of domestic photovoltaic exports face a double tariffs

by:AAA     2020-04-05
( Industry news] Domestic photovoltaic export the results of the final face double the tariffs heibaocjp P local time, the us international trade commission released date of the second China pv double final results, the case that imports from China of crystalline silicon photovoltaic products pose material injury to the industry, the us will impose 'double reverse' tariffs accordingly. Several us solar industry body against the verdict disappointed, don't think it means that the solar industry back in the United States. International trade commission announced on the day, announced the final result. U. S. customs will be on the basis of related products to mainland China to impose 'double reverse' tariffs and anti-dumping duties to Taiwan related products. Giant solar pv companies in Germany in response to complaints of the branch company of the world, the us department of commerce last month on the Chinese mainland and Taiwan imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic products launched secondary 'double reverse' survey. Compared with the first 'double reverse' survey, secondary to further expand the scope of 'double reverse' survey, from photovoltaic cells to expand to the photovoltaic modules, laminated board, panel, such as object also expanded to include Taiwan by mainland China, aimed at removing all mainland photovoltaic companies overseas contract and procurement to avoid tariffs. The us Commerce Department announced last month a photovoltaic products to China anti-dumping, countervailing final results, the margin of dumping established in the mainland China manufacturers. % to. %, the amplitude of subsidies for. % to. %, Taiwan manufacturers for the margin of dumping. % to. %。 The U. S. department of commerce announced positive after the final results, and China's Ministry of Commerce said the us decision to further aggravate the photovoltaic products trade disputes between the two countries, serious damage to the industry trade and cooperation between the two countries, Chinese companies expressed strong dissatisfaction. Will China consider within the WTO framework and the exercise of rights, safeguard their own interests in the American judicial system. The us international trade commission on the final results further cause disappointment the American solar industry. With thousands of solar companies members of the American solar industry association, the international trade commission's decision means that the American solar industry 'backward', the complainant solar world company us hardly get any benefit. Parity solar federation, said another industry body the United States, the international trade commission, a move that will raise the domestic solar energy prices, hurting U. S. companies. Statistics show, in photovoltaic component prices fell for the solar industry. % of the job growth. The alliance continue to call on us through negotiations to resolve trade friction, rather than setting up barriers to trade
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