
The next three years the global distributed storage capacity or increase 10 times

by:AAA     2020-04-06
( Industry news] The next three years the global distributed storage capacity or double globledata P famous American market Research firm Navigant Research released Research report, year, distributed energy storage capacity will reach mw. With governments to increase support for energy storage technology and grid operators, electric energy storage demand growth, to the years, the global distributed storage capacity will be increased in recent times to mw. Senior research fellow at the Anissa Dehamna said, 'distributed energy storage is one of the fastest growing segments in the field of global energy storage. In particular, residential and commercial energy storage is expected to become the core plate in energy storage market. 'The report also pointed out that the rapid development of battery technology, distributed energy storage market will usher in rapid growth. At the same time, solar photovoltaic, electric cars, electric vehicle charging pile and household energy network expansion will create the new demand of distributed storage system. Predicts years, distributed energy storage market capacity will reach, mw. However, high cost, software and control systems and the integration of professional technology is the development of the distributed storage system faces several problems.
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