
The grim situation of southern power grid overall business

by:AAA     2020-04-26
( Industry news] Southern power grid overall run grim cable net P southern power grid company at the annual meeting of the quarter and year economic activities analysis has showed that grim situation of southern power grid in the first quarter of this year's overall management. And according to the southern electricity bureau, in the first quarter of the southern region overall power supply is insufficient, in addition to the basic balance of supply and demand of hainan province, guangdong, guangxi, yunnan, guizhou four provinces have continued to peak power brownouts measures, affected the electricity load year-on-year increase. From the point of regional society power consumption, in addition to guizhou, hainan, year-on-year growth in % above, other provinces year-on-year growth has slowed. A local power companies, he says, is due to the southwest drought continues, the phenomenon of lack of water and coal has been not improve power supply situation in the future will also be tested. It is predicted that this year the south power cut for the highest load demand. Million kilowatts, year-on-year growth %. Hemiplegia on supply and demand situation, the water and the influence of coal, water, thermal power unit, southern power grid company to full capacity, power supply situation remains tense, maximum power gap could reach million kilowatts. For this year's electricity supply and demand situation, CLP linked earlier this year at the 'years of economic situation and the analysis and prediction of electric power development will' on that in the country's electricity supply and demand is still tight overall, regional, inherent, seasonal power shortage is still outstanding, the largest power never kw. In case of continuous high temperature, the lack of rain, etc. , the power gap is likely to expand further. Energy economist boqiang Lin believes that the current thermal power investment growth is slowing, thermal power installed much slower growth will cause future structural power shortage pressure. , according to a report by the Great Wall securities, thermal power generating growth faster provinces for the western region, including xinjiang, qinghai, ningxia and sichuan, etc. , which means more demand of eastern and central region of the reserve forces 'may occur. This article reprinted from the cable network
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