
Photovoltaic much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning start on smart grid, such as seven new energy micro network construction

by:AAA     2020-04-06
( Industry news] Photovoltaic much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning start on smart grid, new energy micro network construction of Shanghai electric cable research institute and other seven heibaocjp P exhibition & lt; SCRIPT>( 函数( ) { var =“http / / mmbiz封面。 qpic。 cn/mmbiz/uoyRFesxoOwJEwPNOAiahqENicCuJoPtGqnJqhzSESjSIsLtOtPhkutBwroQPNNJjlCyCg/'; 文档。 write( & #; < img类= ' rich_media_thumb ' id =“js_cover”onerror = '。 parentNode。 removeChild( 这一点) ' datasrc='&#; +封面+ & #; ' /> & #; ) ; } ) ( ) ; < /脚本>【 Wire Show cable exhibition 】 Involved in solar 'much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning experts told reporters, according to the plan will be a separate' much starker choices-and graver consequences-in 'special planning, and preparation of photovoltaic (pv) alone for the first time in five years development plan, involving the form a complete set of power grid construction, new energy and smart grid application micro network planning layout and so on seven aspects. The programme was asked to play the essential role of cohesion 'difference' planning and years. The National Development and Reform Commission energy research institute, renewable energy center researcher jiing li revealed to reporters, photovoltaic compiled separately 'much starker choices-and graver consequences-in' special planning was the first time, in pv 'much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning, has started the planning study of except for photovoltaic power generation during the' much starker choices-and graver consequences-in 'objectives, tasks, and layout, also involves innovation energy improvement and cost reduction route, form a complete set of power grid construction and smart grid applications, the base and the construction of key area layout, urban distributed micro network layout planning, new energy, manufacturing industry layout, internationalization strategy and so on seven aspects. Form a complete set of power grid construction and smart grid applications, will be put forward during the 'much starker choices-and graver consequences-in photovoltaic given online, improve the level of power grid intelligent measures and Suggestions. The current domestic power grid can't meet the demand of the development of photovoltaic industry, China's smart grid is based on high voltage network backbone network frame, the basis of the coordinated development of the strong networks at all levels, build to informatization, automation, digital and interactive into the characteristics of the unified strong smart grid. Besides the smart grid construction, solar photovoltaic inverter also will be the main market opportunities, and solar photovoltaic inverter device on the conversion efficiency, service life, practical demand for higher temperature range and interconnection equipment, as well as the security isolation technology, also will create and promote the development of relevant industries. New energy on the network planning layout, will be put forward based on renewable energy generation is better, especially in the photovoltaic power generation has developed rapidly, the region has given conditions, the construction of new energy power engineering, in the far west township, east offshore islands, and other specific areas off-grid type new energy demonstration project construction the overall goal of micro power grid and the layout of the project. According to estimates, domestic intelligence in micro grid system to the market scale of up to one hundred billion yuan. In the '12th five-year' plan in the pilot project of a micro power grid and state grid involved, its system within the company or benefit. Distributed in town planning, pv 'much starker choices-and graver consequences-in system research on iron and steel, automobiles, building materials, aerospace, key industries such as coal, electricity price level and with the condition of roof features, put forward in key industries and large enterprises to build the development goal of distributed photovoltaic power generation, construction layout and promoting measures. According to the national energy bureau issued 'about to do a good job of 'much starker choices-and graver consequences-in' solar energy development planning of notice, 'much starker choices-and graver consequences-in' provincial solar energy development planning on photovoltaic power special planning, planning period for years, the development goal of looking to the year. ( Source: southern cable network)
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