The 2015 global photovoltaic industry technology development trend prediction
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Years global pv industry technology development trend forecast globledata P recently, IHS said international authoritative research institutions, thanks to China, Japan, the powerful pv supporting policies, global photovoltaic industry maintained a double-digit growth, and in the photovoltaic industry was approaching full recovery despite the recovery looks foundation is weak.
In global pv industry technology development direction will be how?
, concentrating photovoltaic technology will usher in rapid growth IHS forecast, since years, concentrated photovoltaic power generation (
Will maintain the growth of the average %, until the end of the year is expected to amount to complete the installation of the MW.
Rapid application of photovoltaic power generation systems, grid photovoltaic energy storage is deviating from the relatively simple unidirectional flow system and large conventional power generation system, gradually shift to the complicated mix of small, distributed.
Years, grid photovoltaic installations (
In combination with energy storage)
Is expected to grow more than three times to mw.
, single monocrystalline silicon solar energy market share will be enlarged while the short term, monocrystalline silicon battery technologies are still hard to threaten the polycrystalline silicon solar cell market, however, thanks to the rapid growth of rooftop solar installation market demand for efficient solar energy products, its growth has been relatively stable.
In single crystal silicon battery market share will increase to the %, compared with the annual growth %.
Installed quickly, monomer in large-scale kW photovoltaic items mentioned above will be achieved.
GW, compared.
GW have bigger growth.
These projects have focused on Japan.
In Japan, took a nearly % of distributed photovoltaic power generation.
Net metering and third party leasing model rise of the market, in the United States will also be expected to finish more than.
GW distributed photovoltaic projects.
, three-phase group series inverter technology will become the mainstream in three-phase group series inverter market revenue will reach $.
Estimates in three-phase group string type inverter shipments will reach GW, year-on-year growth %, expected in some important photovoltaic market, such as China and Japan, there will be a shipment, shipment volume is expected to reach.
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