
Snipe at the north American plastics raw material market movements and capricious

by:AAA     2020-04-09
( Industry news] Snipe at the north American plastics raw material market movements and capricious zhdljyw P different resin price movements in the month of North America, including PVC and PET are rising, PP. The cause of the phenomenon is diversiform, how difficult to predict the next price development. Since the date of price increases, the average north American PVC cents/pound, the reason is that demand better, and supply more nervous. In the prices of PVC has changed the direction of pricing, years to years, even fall months in North America, PVC, month flat. Rise in decline cents, months cents, it means that since the early years, PVC net price rise cents in North America. According to market participants, Formosa American company ( Located in baton rouge, Louisiana) And chemical (west lake Located in Louisiana cover mas) PVC production below expectations. Export markets have improved in early years, manufacturers of PVC by materials exports, also can control the north American market under the condition of tight supply. One source said, year-to-date, part of the PVC buyers demand is slightly higher than expected. To the surprise of market watchers, PET bottle with resin on offer the average cents/pound, because the market demand for this material has not reached the point of such strong. This month the temperature slightly lower than usual, so the demand of carbonated soft drinks and bottled water is not ideal, this is the two terminals of the PET market. PET prices also reverse the direction of the previous pricing. Years to years, north American PET price down cents/pound, month flat. A market observers said, the monthly prices cents is 'fair', because raw material costs are rising. But at the same time, he adds, because of lower oil prices, raw material prices will stabilise, PET manufacturers want to raise prices again may be very difficult. 'It is hard to say PET how will demand situation. 'The source said. The three north American manufacturers of PET is trying to persuade the us international trade commission to impose tariffs, to prevent the so-called imported raw materials dumping phenomenon. PP, month prices cents also makes some buyers feel surprised, because since the start of the year, has been relatively good demand for this material. According to the American chemistry council, ACC) In the first two months of this year, demand for PP in North America rose by more than %, % rise in domestic sales, but export markets more than % drop in sales. On PP price gains in February of a common year cents. Last month, the north American PP prices have dropped cents/lb. As for PP price forecast for month, buyers and manufacturers. A buyer said, monomer price action means that a new round of small drop was going on, but the manufacturers in order to improve the profit of resin, has been encouraging prices rise cents. Date of exxonmobil chemical in Beaumont, Texas a propylene plant fire, propylene monomer limited supply, it may could affect the PP market in North America. As of February 2nd, the device is not yet back operations.
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