
Shanghai copper main low left high expected short-term high callback

by:AAA     2020-04-17
( Industry news] Shanghai copper main low left high expected short-term high callback chencadcad P LME copper continued to rise, on Wednesday by Beijing time: months copper. Dollars/tons, day up. %。 Shanghai copper low main contract left, days of yuan/ton, the highest yuan/ton, the lowest closing price yuan/ton, the last trading day's closing price go up. %; Trading volume. Hand, the growing hand; Position. The increase in hand, hand. Basis to yuan/ton; Shanghai copper spreads widened to yuan/ton. Focus: the United States on the ISM manufacturing PMI fell to. , not only its lowest level since July, and the line is below the threshold for the first time since years. , according to the federal funds rate futures traders expected the basis of the fed's rate cut in the probability for %, on Friday is expected to %. Mine in Zambia's annual budget to use should be limited in the highest. %, weaken the competitiveness of the enterprises in zhejiang province. Spot analysis: date, spot # electrolytic copper offer yuan/ton, price yuan/ton, compared with the previous trading day down yuan/ton. Copper futures fell after a firmer pretty price will hold grocers, conveniently looked litres of water wet copper slightly upgraded to premium yuan/ton, part of the downstream the dips replenishment. Days flow supply of goods is limited, traders are difficult to have produced a space, market power to continue in the seller's control, traders were active, and downstream of litres of water will keep going up. Warehouse inventory: Shanghai copper warehouse total tons on Wednesday, losing tons; Month, LME copper stocks for tons, losing tons. Main force position: Shanghai copper main contract before long open hand, hand, growing their hand, and the growing hand, net short position, growing hand, and the enlargement of both the long-short, clearance increases. Shanghai February 2nd main copper low drive away. Macroeconomic data as weak performance, market pessimism remain, superposition copper stocks performance increase, weigh on prices, but the federal reserve to cut interest rates sharply cut interest rates expected to increase, a weaker dollar, and the upstream copper processing TC continue, copper supply tight anxiety remained, season demand recovery expectations, to form good copper prices. Spot, days circulation supplies co. , LTD. , traders are difficult to have produced a space, market power to continue in the seller's control, traders were active, and downstream of litres of water will keep going up. Technically, the Shanghai copper main contract volume increased dramatically, focus position above the pressure, expected short-term high callback.
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