
On October 1, formally incorporated into these products CCC authentication management

by:AAA     2020-04-09
( Industry news] Month, Bruce P has formally incorporated into these products CCC certification management, market supervision administration announcement, according to the State Council on further reduce industrial products production license management directory and the decision to simplify examination and approval procedures '( The country is sent []) Requirements, the decision of explosion-proof electrical products from the production permission to mandatory product certification (such as CCC certification) Management. To ensure the smooth, the CCC certification implementation work cohesion smooth and orderly, release the request. Market supervision administration of explosion-proof electrical products from the production permission to implement mandatory product certification management requirements of the notice the first number () according to the State Council on further reduce industrial products production license management directory and the decision to simplify examination and approval procedures '( The country is sent []) Requirements, market supervision administration of explosion-proof electrical products from the production permission to mandatory product certification (such as CCC certification) Management. To ensure the smooth, the CCC certification implementation work smoothly and orderly, cohesion will now about that notice the following: one, the certification implementation date since (date) (month) (year), explosion-proof electrical, household gas appliance and calibration volume more than L household refrigerators ( Specific product range and mandatory product certification implementation rules as shown in the attachment) Into the CCC certification management scope, the certification body ( Certification bodies and laboratory designated work will be further notice) Now accepting certification entrusted; Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government and xinjiang production and construction corps market regulatory authority ( Hall, the committee) ( Hereinafter referred to as the market supervision department at the provincial level) Stop to accept the relevant production license application, has been accepted to the termination of the administrative licensing procedures in accordance with the law. Since (date) (month) (year), the above products do not have mandatory product certification certificate and the label is not compulsory certification mark, not the factory, sales, import or use in other business activities. Second, the authentication institutions designated work requirements specified certification institution shall according to the compulsory product certification general rules and corresponding to the requirement of the implementation rules for products developed certification implementation rules, to the market supervision administration of before, Certification and supervision) To complete the record. Third, CCC certification and production license management of cohesion ( A) Before, the domestic production of the above products should be with valid production license or CCC certification factory, sales or use in other business activities. ( 2) For enterprise has obtained production license, if the above products in (date) (month) (year) ( ) After no longer continue to produce, need not deal with CCC certification; Otherwise, should submit the certification as soon as possible, and before the CCC certification. ( 3) Put forward by the enterprise to hold a valid production license certification, specify the corresponding certification body should review and test results, formulate relevant conversion program ( Include added difference detection project, factory inspection, etc) And implement, to meet the requirements of the certification renewal CCC certification, at the same time, the place where the enterprise is located at the provincial level the market supervision department certification, companies list. Certificate of conversion occurred in the process of certification, testing costs in principle by the financial burden. ( 4) The market supervision department at the provincial level according to the production license expires and report to the certification body, the production license cancellation formalities in time. (date) (month) (year), the market supervision administration of the cancellation of all untranslated effective production license. ( 5) For in the products of the production license during the effective period, monthly in the future may continue to use the original packaging ( Conform to the requirements of the production license) The factory sales. Accessories:. From the production permission to compulsory certification product range. Explosion-proof electrical mandatory product certification implementation rules. Mandatory product certification implementation rules for household gas appliance market supervision administration of (date) (month) (year) in the attachment
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