
Lenovo PC sales fell sharply in the non-production global workforce of 3200 employees

by:AAA     2020-04-15
( Industry news] Lenovo PC sales plunged in the global workforce to non-production employees hrconn P, news, lenovo announced in the first quarter earnings, in the face of personal and commercial PC sales have fallen sharply, lenovo group must continue to improve efficiency and cut spending. 将在全球范围内减少,多名非生产制造工厂,占卜公司非工业生产制造类成员约%,占全球整身体,成员工业约百分之。 < div =“中心”对齐> < / div这些举措存款共将为联想在下面半材料年减少约省费用。 亿美元,年化减少省约新近成立。 亿美元。 Lenovo announced/results show that the first quarter of fiscal revenue $( 约合人民币元) Year-on-year %; 归属大腿东的净利润。 亿美元( 约合人民币。 元) Year-on-year decline in %. Lenovo PC sales for all department, year-on-year decline. %; MOTOROLA for lenovo smartphone sales bring thousands of contribution, year-on-year decline %; 平板电方面市场,联想市场份额们。 %, sales rose. %,我们万部。 联想集团宣布,为了谦让整身体业务重新次不到增长性轨道,联想将采取以下举措:移动业务,组集团( MBG) ,利用摩托罗拉和联想互补性优势,快速推动增长。 简化产品组合,减少产品数量,堤高异化作用水平差异。 级业务,企业要集中资源,调整定位,向细分市场发起进攻。 ,利用个人电方面市场行行业整合的机会,百分之加速向市场份额目标努力。 推动所有职能部门提高效率。
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