How about credentials for outdoor electrical cable of AAA ?
A fair third party conducts several inspections on technical specifications, quality, and performance of our outdoor electrical cable , and also examine our factory's quality assurance system. Since our inception, we have continued to produce qualified products and passed relevant examinations. Now, Guangdong Cable Factory Co., Ltd.has been awarded relevant certificates and can put certificate marks on our products and their packing. Our product quality certifications are given only by certification bodies authorized by accreditation administration under the State Council, and some of them are granted by international authorities.

After years of continuous solid development, AAA has been known for the outstanding manufacturing ability of transmission control cable. electric building wire is the main product of AAA . It is diverse in variety. Being antibacterial to some extent, this product offers extra protection against the spread of sickness in the home. Its fabric will keep dust, pollen, and germs from adhering to the surface. The product is anti-oxidation, making it be used outdoors. AAA takes the lead in best coaxial cable industry. It is outstanding for its excellent electrical performance.

We will continue to innovate mechanisms to adapt to the market. Get an offer!
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