
Ghana 2015 cable companies for miners power cable supply rate of 36% _ _ cable wire and cable information network

by:AAA     2020-12-14
Ghana 2015 cable companies for miners power cable supply rate of 36%

' Cable network - 】 In 2015, according to the mining association of Ghana, Ghana local cable companies to miners power cable supply rate of 36%.

Ghana mining association statistics show that in 2015, Ghana miners power cable purchase amount to $1. 4 million, local cable companies supply to 48. $80000, accounts for about 36%. The rest mainly from abroad cable companies or foreign cable again to mining companies of the cable companies.

Ghana mining association chief executive Sulemanu Koney points out, although less than forty percent, but in 2014 there has been a qualitative change. In 2014, the domestic cable companies supply rate is only 7. 5%, to 2015, this number has reached 36. 1%.

Sulemanu Koney said the technology and the improvement of the business environment is to promote the domestic cable companies supply rate is the main reason for the increased significantly. In order to encourage the development of domestic cable manufacturing, Ghana mining companies give preference to domestic manufacturers.

( This article starting cable net WWW. cableabc。 Com reprint please indicate the source. )
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