
China's electronic information technology standardization peak BBS forthcoming

by:AAA     2020-04-25
( Industry news] China electronic information technology standardization peak BBS upcoming pony P China electronic information technology standardization peak BBS the low-carbon era on the morning of the shenzhen convention and exhibition center five layer rose hall conference room guidance unit: the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology the organizer: China electronics technology standardization institute/China electronics corporation to undertake units: electronic information product standardization national engineering laboratory/CLP exhibition and information dissemination co. , LTD. , to support the media: 'China electronics news' 'electronic business in China' 'information technology and standardization' 'shenzhen special zone signs up for' energy conservation and emissions reduction is China's '11th five-year plan, the twelfth five-year' plan for one of the important contents in the State Council issued the 'state council on further intensify efforts to ensure that the implementation period of' 11th five-year plan 'energy conservation and emissions reduction targets notice, make clear a regulation to speed up the perfect laws and regulations standard, improve the energy consumption per unit product standard, energy-using products energy efficiency standards. With the deepening of the national energy conservation and emission reduction policy, standard to promote more smoothly the multiplier effect of energy saving and emission reduction. Through policy and standardization work, impels the electronic information industry energy-saving emission reduction work, the research in the field of the application of electronic information technology to promote the traditional industry of energy conservation and emissions reduction work, promote the combination of two new ideas, the development of electronic information industry energy-saving emission reduction work, to alleviate the shortage of energy, reduce environmental impact, improve the efficiency of energy conservation, the construction of energy-saving society, promote sustainable economic and social development, has the extremely vital significance. For this reason, the organizing committee of the Chinese electronics teamed up with China electronics technology standardization institute, on (date) (month) (year), was held in the same period China electronics standardization peak BBS '' China's electronic information technology, the China's electronic information industry standardization authority, will offer you wonderful professional content.
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